Gentle Guided Meditation
Let’s consider the element of Fire. To begin, a guided practice…Prep… SETTLE IN, SOFTEN/CLOSE EYES…ALLOW YOURSELF TO BECOME COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE…
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
Breathing, taking time
Noticing expansion
Noticing fullness
Noticing breath, down to the diaphragm, the belly
Comforted in knowing that each breath is enough, in this moment
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
Settling into your body
Moving as you need in order to settle
Bringing comfort to your bones, joints, muscles
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
Softening your eyes, mind body
Sinking ever move into peace and divinity of being
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
As you feel ready, you may find / locate / imagine a small spark lighting within…
Noticing this tiny spark, flickering / dancing as a candle does upon lighting the wick
You may feel the presence of this flame in one spot specifically
You may feel the presence of this flame moving throughout your body
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
This is your flame, your light, your knowing, your intuition
This flame is warm, is right, it is the perfect essence of you, you in perfect form
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
You may feel comfortable in this moment allowing the flame to expand and warm you from the inside out, working with your flame from here…
…OR …
You may feel comfortable in this moment allowing the flame to expand, warming the environment that surrounds you, working with the flame from here…
Any movement, motion, expansion of your flame is right and good
This is your flame and it has ignited for you
For you…to help light the way, your path forward
It is here now and always
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
This is your flame and it has ignited for you
For you…to help light the way, your path forward
It is here now and always
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
This is your flame and it has ignited for you
For you…to help light the way, your path forward
It is here now and always
Summon the flame within by
Inhaling, gently
Exhaling, gently
Fire Element - Her Passions
Let’s explore fire from the essence of passion…the essence of abundance…
~ Wild Orange
~ Bergamot
Citrus, the fruits of labor, passion from the belly. Abundant. Vibrant. Orange. Blossoming White. Feel Mother Nature in fast forward, lighting the flames of the fruit tree, giving it divie energy to populate the earth.
We are all familiar with an orange. Weighted. Dense. Brightly colored. Juicy. On fire with abundance from within. From behind the thick skin. She is fierce, fluid, free. Claim your passion, as the orange claims hers…freely, wildly, without abandon.
Experience breath with citrus. No oil, no problem. You may hold (or imagine holding) an orange, tangerine, Cutie…you may notice the abundance in which the fruits are found in your grocery store. You may like to peel the orange or cut into it…allow the experience of opening up the fruit to become a meditative experience…noticing the juice, the scent…abundant, fragrant…pursuing passion from an ignited flame within…fire in the belly, fruit of your labor…
She connects through spark and flame Mother of the fruits Laboring evermore Bringing her creation to the fold Fruition Fortitude Free To be wild, blossoming, on fire With passion, desire Radiantly inspired Giving light to those who search Setting fire to the fears that hold us back Beckoning towards the fruit tree…the womb of creation Setting us free through spark and flame
Fire - Journaling Prompts
Light a candle. Allow yourself to gaze gently, softly at this light…what color(s) do you see…how does the flame move? Is there a scent? Is there a memory fueled by this flame? Is there a passion remembered, one that needs committed to again in the here and now…?
From this candle flame…What do you see…what do you know as this light is lit and moving, dancing light and bright? This light, this flame lives within you…Where are you going? Where can this light lead you? Ask…whisper…to this tiny flame…in prayer…find your guidance in the light…
Lesson 7: Essence of Life - Fire